SunCarrier Omega Private Limited
Sun carrier omega office is located in Bhopal, central India with a built up area of about 9888 sq. ft. The company provides turnkey renewable energy solutions from planning, through installation to servicing to fulfill the requisite energy demand for residential, government and corporates sectors. It’s has achieved the LEED Platinum certification under LEED India. The building is carved with various green features poising the technology and environmental sustainability. Sun Carrier Omega is the first company to bring to India the Sun Tracking Intelligent Solar PV System, which generates about 40% more energy than fixed systems. It also provides large capacity vanadium redox flow energy storage and management system, the Cellcube series etc.
The commercial building of Sun Carrier Omega has adopted the below mentioned demand side green technologies and strategies to be one of India’s net zero energy buildings.
1. Site Sustainability Features:
• Located in close proximity to public transportation to reduce vehicular pollution and strain on local infrastructure.
• To promote alternative fuel and low emitting vehicles.
• 14% of the total car parking area is provisioned for car poolers to promote share ride to minimize the transportation strain on environment.
• 51% of the site area – exclusive of building foot print, is covered with native or adaptive landscape species.
• 81% of roof area is covered with a highly reflective material to reduce heat islands and to minimize impact on microclimate.
2. Water Efficiency:
• Reduce the water consumption by installing water efficient fixtures, low flow dual-flush toilets, sensor based urinals and other low flow fixtures.
• 100% onsite wastewater treatment. The treated water complies with tertiary standard and reused for landscaping/ other purposes.
• Rain water harvesting system having a rain water recharge pit of capacity of 180 cu m per day.
• The building has achieved 40.9% reduction in potable water use
3. Energy Efficiency
• 100% annual energy consumption of the building is sourced by the onsite renewable energy generation and storage.
• Other energy efficiency measures include high albedo paint on roof, efficient day lighting design, insulation, occupancy monitoring, high-efficiency HVAC equipment, natural ventilation, and evaporative cooling.
4. Resource management
• Approx 96% of total construction waste of debris has been recycled or reused cutting down the debris disposal to landfills
• Reducing virgin material exploitation through recycling the material.
• About 24% of the project’s material and products by cost were derived within 800 km of project site thereby reducing the transportation pollution.
• 5.95% of the total materials cost used on the project were from rapidly renewable sources.
5. Indoor Air Quality
• Smoking is prohibited in the building thus ensuring the health and safety of all its occupants.
• Low emitting paints, carpets and composite wood products have been used to enhance the indoor environment and provide superior workplace for all employees.
• CO2 sensors are provided in densely occupied area.
The building has been designed by En3 to promote green awareness to all the visitors and occupants to spearhead the green movement in the state and the country.