ABN Amro Bank N. V. Ahmedabad 

ABN Amro Bank in Viva Complex Ahmedabad has become the 1st LEED commercial interiors project in India and outside the U. S. A., to achieve the LEED platinum certification. It is a renowned and highly reliable banking partner for retail, private, commercial, corporate and financial institution clients. En3 along with the Architect Karan Grover associates has engraved this 8,000 sq feet interiors with energy saving and eco friendly designs. It aims to protect, sustain and enhance human, natural and financial capital by integrating green building concept developed by the U. S. Green Building Council for the design, construction and operation of high performance.

Following mentioned green building features escorted 44 LEED qualifying points to achieve LEED Platinum certification.

1)  Site Sustainability:

• Situated in close proximity to public transportation thus minimizing transportation pollution, protects green spaces, and preserves habitat and natural resources.

• Provision of Bicycle facility and Carpooling spaces for promoting share riding among their staffs to reduce vehicle pollution impacts.

• Basement Car Parking to create more open spaces on the ground and reduce the local heat island effect.

2)  Water Efficiency:

• Minimize water use by installing water efficient fixtures.

• Low flow dual-flush toilets, sensor based urinals and other low flow fixtures have been installed at site to reduce water consumption by over 32.20%.

3)  Energy Efficiency:

• Use Energy Star rated equipment only.

• Energy efficiency measures such as efficient lighting design, efficient HVAC design etc.

4)  Material and Waste Management

• 40 % materials used have recycled content.

• 50% materials used are locally and regionally procured.

5)  Indoor Environment Quality:

• Installation of Co2 sensors and providing a mechanically ventilated space.

• Low emitting adhesives, paints and carpets have been used.

• 75% of the interior has naturally day lightening thus reducing the artificial light consumption.

In 2007 Karan Grover, the Architect won the US GBC Platinum Award for ABN AMRO bank office interior in Ahmedabad. 

Grover told TOI “In many of our buildings we have been able to cut energy consumption by 50 per cent. Imagine the impact if more people take to environment-friendly practices in construction."  







Source: ABN AMRO BANK N. V. AHMEDABAD - June, 2015